Results of the Elections for Members of the Electoral College of the University of Warsaw
District Electoral Commission No. 3 announces that at the electoral meeting of academic teachers not employed at faculties, which was held on February 4th in the Old BUW Hall, five electors were elected to the Electoral College of the University of Warsaw.
- Number of eligible voters – 180
- Number of attendees – 88
- Dr Kamil Zajączkowski – 70 votes
- Dr Danuta Romaniuk – 66 votes
- Mgr Ewa Górczyńska – 61 votes
- Mgr Magdalena Ziółek-Wojnar – 61 votes
- Mgr Joanna Pawlak-Radzimińska – 60 votes
Composition of District Electoral Commission No. 3:
- Ewa Kościuk, Chairperson
- Izabella Grabowicz, Deputy Chairperson
- Renata Maksymowicz, Secretary
- Agnieszka Józefowicz-Mengü
- Robert Parowenko
- Jakub Sylwester Socha
- Sylwia Joanna Stępniak
- Małgorzata Zdańska
- Katarzyna Kopij, Clerk
Composition of the Scrutiny Committee:
- Janina Furgał
- Bożena Karczewska
- Anna Kurowicka
- Agnieszka Wiloch-Sikorska
- Anna Zięba
In connection with the need to hold elections for five members of the University Electoral College (electors) from among other academic teachers not employed in faculties, I am calling an election meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Old BUW Auditorium, UW Main Campus.
The right to vote in the elections is reserved for employees of units belonging to Electoral District No. 3, employed at the University of Warsaw on an employment contract.
Chair of the Election Commission No. 3
Ewa Kościuk
Electoral District No. 3
- Centre for Europe,
- Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education,
- Biological and Chemical Research Centre,
- Institute for the Americas and Europe,
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki Chair,
- Center for Political Analysis,
- French Culture and Francophone Studies Centre,
- Centre for Foreign Language Teaching.
In accordance with Resolution No. 9 of the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification dated January 7, 2020, on the establishment of electoral districts for the 2020-2024 term, on January 13, 2020, Electoral Commission No. 3 was constituted.
The commission is composed of:
- Ewa Kościuk, Chairperson (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
- Izabella Grabowicz, Deputy Chairperson (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
- Renata Maksymowicz, Secretary (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
- Agnieszka Józefowicz-Mengü (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
- Robert Parowenko (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
- Jakub Sylwester Socha (Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw)
- Sylwia Joanna Stępniak (European Center, University of Warsaw)
- Małgorzata Zdańska (Centre for Foreign Language Teaching)
Electoral District No. 3 includes:
- Centre for Europe,
- Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education,
- Biological and Chemical Research Centre,
- Institute for the Americas and Europe,
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki Chair,
- Center for Political Analysis,
- French Culture and Francophone Studies Centre,
- Centre for Foreign Language Teaching.