Internal Quality Assurance System

Attachment No. 2 to the minutes of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (SzJO) Program Council meeting on June 3, 2013.


I. Legal Framework for the Internal Quality Assurance System at SzJO UW

  1. The amended Law on Higher Education (Article 9, paragraph 3, point 3, letter c; Article 9, paragraph 3, point 4, letter a; Article 66, paragraph 2, point 3a; Article 94b, paragraph 1, point 3) and executive regulations (Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of October 5, 2011, on the conditions for conducting studies in a specific field and level of education, § 9, part 1, point 9; § 9, part 2, point 2; § 11, part 1; § 11, part 2; Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 29, 2011, on the conditions for curricular and institutional evaluation, § 2, point 3; § 7, point 4) serve as the legal basis for creating an internal quality assurance system at SzJO UW.
  2. University regulations are also essential, with the most significant being Rector’s Ordinance No. 76 of December 4, 2012, on quality assurance and improvement systems in faculties and other organizational units offering courses at the University of Warsaw.
  3. Furthermore, Senate resolutions are relevant, including Senate Resolution No. 241 of June 20, 2007, on survey research;
  4. Senate Resolution No. 119 of June 17, 2009, on the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching and language proficiency certification.
  5. The University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification established the Committee for Quality Assurance in Language Courses at SzJO UW by the resolution of the SzJO UW Program Council on June 22, 2007.
  6. The Director of SzJO UW appointed the Quality Assurance in Language Teaching Team for the term until September 30, 2012, based on Senate Resolution No. 240 of June 20, 2007.
  7. Finally, the Director of SzJO UW appointed a new team for the term 2012-2016 on October 8, 2012, based on Rector’s Ordinance No. 56 of October 3, 2012.

II. Principles of the internal quality assurance system at the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching, University of Warsaw

    • The system for ensuring and improving the quality of education at the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching operates based on the principles listed in paragraph 2, section 1 of the Rector’s Order No. 76 at the University of Warsaw, particularly the principle of conscious action and its improvement.
    • The internal quality assurance and improvement system at the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching, hereinafter referred to as the quality system, operates based on the resolution of the Center’s Program Council. Its main objective is to consciously co-create high-quality education at the University of Warsaw and create a culture of quality in all areas of the Center’s activities.
    • The description of the quality system is developed by the Center’s Directors in cooperation with the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification.
    • The Center’s Directors are responsible for the proper functioning of the quality assurance system at the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching, University of Warsaw. The University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification serves as the coordinator of the activities covered by the system, creates it, implements it, and monitors its functioning.
    • To carry out specific tasks, such as monitoring and verifying the quality of teaching, task groups or teams are appointed (e.g., a team for classroom observation, a team for verifying learning outcomes). The actions taken are continuous and subject to regular review of the achieved results.

III. Areas of internal quality assurance in the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching at the University of Warsaw

    • Internal monitoring and review of the framework language courses and learning outcomes
    • Ensuring and improving the quality of the teaching process
    • Motivating teachers
    • Verification of learning outcomes and language proficiency
    • Motivating students
    • Reviewing and supplementing equipment in classrooms and library resources
    • Updating the educational offer
    • Updating internal documentation related to the teaching and learning process
    • Promoting the activities of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching in the academic community.

Procedures for implementing, monitoring, and verifying the internal quality assurance system in the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching at UW. Every 2 years, the Programs and Learning Outcomes Verification Team (in cooperation with the Centre’s Directors, ZZJK, the observation team, and consultation with the Rector’s Delegate and the Chair of the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification) conducts a periodic review, evaluation, and update of:

    • the framework teaching programs for each language proficiency level, which are posted on the Centre’s website
    • the learning outcomes for each level, which are posted on the Centre’s website
    • the methods of verifying the learning outcomes, which are posted on the Centre’s website
    • the procedures for classroom observation, as described in the interim order of the Centre’s director no. 2/2013, which are posted on the Centre’s website.

2. Ensuring the quality of the teaching process and its improvement

Tools and procedures:

    • Open competition for the positions of lecturer, instructor, and senior instructor conducted by the Competition Committee of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (SzJO) in accordance with the Regulations of the Competition Committee, approved by the Program Council of SzJO.
    • Observations conducted by the Observation Team in SzJO, according to the adopted procedures using observation report sheets based on orders no. 2/2013 and no. 4/2013 of the Acting Director of SzJO.
    • Documentation of professional achievements by teachers (achievement sheet) and preparation of workload sheets by teachers – data verification is carried out by Team Leaders with the support of secretariat staff.
    • Student survey conducted every semester for semester courses or once a year for annual courses, in cooperation with the Quality Evaluation Workshop – ZZJK is responsible for the organization in cooperation with the Director of Student Affairs.
    • Analysis of student survey results and publication of results, conclusions, and a list of the best-rated teachers (ZZJK is responsible in cooperation with the Director of Student Affairs).
    • Internal methodological training organized by SzJO; the training topics are planned and agreed jointly by the SzJO management, Team Leaders, and ZZJK.
    • Training trips for professional development – teachers make the selection, and the possibility of financing is in accordance with the travel financing procedure adopted by the SzJO management in agreement with ZZJK. The travel financing team is appointed by the Acting Director of SzJO under the leadership of the Director of Financial Affairs, which includes the Chairman of ZZJK and the Coordinator of the Erasmus Program.
    • Self-education of teachers, recorded in achievement and periodic assessment sheets.
    • Peer observation: voluntary, conducted in accordance with the adopted procedure, documented in a peer observation sheet and an achievement sheet.
    • Recommended mid-semester student survey conducted voluntarily by teachers.
    • Visitation classes (Modern University); voluntary, initiated by teachers.
    • Contacts and cooperation of SzJO management with internal stakeholders: with students – participants of language courses for consultation and to learn their opinions, as well as with the Student and Doctoral Council, members of the Program Council and members of the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification, authorities, and administration of faculties for improving the quality of language courses.
    • Ongoing cooperation and consultation of SzJO management with the Rector’s Representative for the organization of foreign language teaching and employees of the Representative Office in matters concerning language courses, students, and doctoral students.
    • Cooperation of SzJO management with the Director of COME UW in the area of planning and improving e-language courses.

3. Motivating Teachers


    • Hiring teachers for higher positions through open competition in accordance with the regulations approved by the authorities of the University of Warsaw, after being reviewed by the Program Council of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (SzJO).
    • Assigning teachers responsible organizational functions by the management and team leaders.
    • Publishing the collective results of student surveys and the names of teachers who achieved the highest scores by the Deputy Director for Student Affairs (after consultation with the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification – ZZJK).
    • Awarding the JM Rector’s awards for teaching and organizational achievements (Order No. 5/2013 on criteria for awarding awards to teachers of SzJO) – determined by the management in consultation with the team leaders.
    • Granting temporary motivational bonuses for teaching and organizational activities by the management of SzJO (in consultation with the team leaders and ZZJK).
    • Providing subsidies for trips to improve qualifications in accordance with the procedures adopted and announced on the website – responsibility of the team responsible for subsidizing trips.
    • Teachers presenting reports and reflections on their training trips and sharing knowledge and skills gained at language team meetings in accordance with the adopted procedure and commitment – responsibility of the team leader.
    • Enriching the library’s resources with the latest glotto-didactic publications and materials useful in the work of teachers (textbooks, journals, dictionaries) – responsibility of the Deputy Director for Student Affairs in consultation with the team leaders, the Deputy Director for Financial Affairs, and the librarian.
    • Modernizing classrooms by equipping them with modern teaching aids – responsibility of the Deputy Director for Student Affairs in consultation with the Deputy Director for Financial Affairs.

4. Verification of learning outcomes and language proficiency


    • Development by the Team for Verification of Programs and Learning Outcomes of common ways to measure outcomes and implementation of these methods
    • Development by the aforementioned team of a final test model to be used for each level, regardless of the language course
    • Verification by the aforementioned team of the content and quality of final exams created and administered by teachers
    • Review and improvement of ways to measure learning outcomes and assess progress (responsibility of the Team for Verification of Programs and Learning Outcomes in consultation with teachers, the Team for Observation, Team Leaders, and management)
    • Involvement of SzJO teachers in UW certification exams (responsibility of the director along with the organizational coordinator)
    • Confirmation of language proficiency for scholarship purposes, among others, using the European Language Portfolio (responsibility of the deputy director for student affairs with the help of designated individuals)
    • Verification of learning outcomes achieved outside of UW (responsibility of the deputy director for student affairs with the help of designated individuals)
    • Verification of language proficiency of UW doctoral students (responsibility of the deputy director for student affairs with the help of designated individuals)

5. Motivating students


    • Implementation of common and binding rules and criteria for passing the courses by teachers of the Language Courses Units (responsibility of teachers monitored by the Heads of Units)
    • Observation of classes (responsibility of the Observation Team in cooperation with the Deputy Director of SzJO for student affairs)
    • Enriching the educational offer of SzJO with new languages, levels, profiles and teaching methods (responsibility of the Head of the Unit in consultation with the Deputy Director for student affairs and the Director of SzJO)
    • Providing students and teachers with sample tests measuring the mastery of learning outcomes (responsibility of the Team for verification of learning outcomes)
    • Conducting individual consultations for students during the mandatory office hours of teachers (responsibility of the Heads of Units)
    • Application of various, modern, effective and student-oriented teaching techniques by teachers (monitored by the Observation Team and the Heads of Units)
    • Promoting languages and culture beyond classes: showing movies, competitions, providing foreign scholarships for the best students, etc. (responsibility of the Head of the Unit in agreement with the management)
    • Organization of Open Days, demonstration lessons for students and providing information about language courses at SzJO (responsibility of the Organization Team for Open Days).

6. Review and supplementing the equipment of classrooms and library resources

    • Equipping classrooms with didactic aids (including multimedia equipment) – responsibility of the Deputy Director for Financial Affairs in consultation with the Deputy Director for Student Affairs
    • Publishing on the SzJO website a list of subscribed and available foreign language journals in the SzJO library as well as a list of acquisitions (responsibility of the librarian)

7. Updating the educational offer

    • Analyzing student demand based on group registration, faculty needs, and in line with the mission of SzJO – the deputy director for student affairs at SzJO is responsible for this.
    • Collaborating with the Office for Persons with Disabilities to provide individual consultations and alternative forms of access to language courses for disabled students.
    • Developing and updating course descriptions in Polish and English by teachers available on Usosweb (team leaders are responsible for their execution, and the SzJO Usos representative monitors the process).

8. Creating and periodically reviewing internal documentation related to the process of teaching, learning, and professional development of teachers (reports, protocols, workload cards, achievement cards, competition regulations).

    • Regular internal audit of documentation by the SzJO management in cooperation with the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification.
    • Developing and publishing in writing on the SzJO website the rules and procedures that exist in the form of “unwritten custom” and apply to teachers and students (the management is responsible for this in agreement with the University Council).
    • Monitoring and evaluating the work of secretariats through a student and employee survey (the University Council in cooperation with the deputy director for student affairs is responsible for preparing, conducting, and analyzing the survey).

9. Promoting the activities of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (SzJO) within the academic community.

    • Involvement of SzJO teachers in the Open Days of the University of Warsaw and organizing Open Day at SzJO.
    • Participation of SzJO teachers (demonstration lessons) in the celebrations of the European Day of Languages.
    • Participation of teachers in methodological conferences, both domestic and foreign.
    • Preparation of certification exam tests by SzJO teachers.
    • Organization of certification exams in accordance with resolution no. 119 (responsibility lies with the director and SzJO coordinator for session organization in collaboration with the content coordinator on behalf of the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification).
    • Maintenance of the SzJO website in Polish and English: publishing information on teaching and learning foreign languages for UW students, staff, and external individuals (responsibility lies with the website curator and administrator).
    • Conducting exams for doctoral students by appointed teachers according to the rules published on the SzJO website (responsibility lies with the team leaders).
    • Organization of language courses for UW administration staff, including SzJO secretariat staff, in accordance with the university’s internationalization policy (coordination by the SzJO director).
    • Collaboration with faculties in planning forms of foreign language courses for second-degree students, e.g., foreign language conversation courses for students of the Faculty of Education (responsibility lies with the SzJO director and deputy for student affairs).
    • Conducting foreign language courses on request from faculties for academic purposes for UW lecturers, e.g., for employees of the Institute of Polish Culture (responsibility lies with the SzJO director).
    • Conducting additional language courses by SzJO teachers, subject to staffing and time availability: courses for academic staff, UW administration staff, summer and winter intensive courses for students and external individuals, courses for foreign students, and courses for the Open University (responsibility lies with the UO coordinator in consultation with the director).
    • Regular meetings between the SzJO management and faculty authorities regarding the organization of language courses (responsibility lies with the SzJO director).
    • Involvement of SzJO teachers in orientation days at faculties (coordination by team leaders).

V. Summary

The internal quality assurance system of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (SzJO) is consistent with the University of Warsaw’s Quality Assurance System for Education. It is based on activities that aim to achieve the mission, strategy, and education concept of SzJO. Implementing, properly functioning, monitoring, and modifying the internal quality assurance system of SzJO aims to build a culture of quality, which involves improving, being responsible, consistent in actions, and making decisions together.

Warsaw, June 3rd, 2013.