Quality Assurance Team

Work of the Quality Assurance in Education Team – Winter Semester 2022/2023 | Read


regarding the approval of the composition of the Quality Assurance Team at the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching in the academic year 2021/2022 | view

Meeting of the Quality Assurance Team for Education – January 11th, 2023

Arrangements and planned actions:

  1. Presentation of the most interesting techniques observed during the observation at the general meeting of the SzJO staff (beginning of the winter semester 2023/2024).
  2. Collection of employee feedback on the student survey (by March 1st, 2023); Planned meeting: PEJK, SzJO Management, Coordinator of the University Council for the Coordination of Foreign Language Teaching and Language Proficiency Certification to discuss the issues raised.
  3. SzJO website – designing a new version of the SzJO website; Introducing materials in the improved version; Planned meetings with the IT specialist, website administrator, SzJO directors, and the team that reviewed the website; Proposal to create a guidebook for students.
  4. Facebook – proposal to post information about SzJO activities on Facebook.
  5. Quality assurance system actions (link to the presentation):
    • creation of a database of attractive courses recommended by SzJO staff;
    • updating the achievement spreadsheet;
    • coaching program (introduction of employees to coaching principles – training), creation of a coaching database (lecturers who have specific skills), coaching coordinator;
    • promoting the achievements of employees (lecturers with the highest achievements rewarded with e.g. financing of training).

Meeting of the Quality Assurance Team for Education – February 8th, 2023

Presentation and discussion of procedures for handling low teaching performance or low organizational engagement of employees (link to the presentation).

Meeting of the Quality Assurance Team – October 26th, 2022

During the meeting of the Quality Assurance Team on October 26th, 2022, a discussion was held based on the opinions of QAT members regarding the mode of conducting classroom observations in the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching, gathered by the QAT Chairperson from June to September 2022. The decisions made during the QAT meeting were included in DIRECTIVE NO. 5 OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW of November 14th, 2022.

In addition, the following directions of QAT actions were established for the academic year 2022/2023:

  • A QAT subgroup consisting of Sylwia Kossakowska-Pisarek, Anna Mickiewicz, and Justyna Deczewska will undertake the development of a system of pro-quality actions in the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching.
  • A QAT subgroup consisting of Magdalena Ziółek-Wojnar, Arkadiusz Misiak, and Katarzyna Wiśniewska-Szaran will prepare procedures for working with language instructors whose classes are not rated positively.
  • A QAT subgroup consisting of Paweł Mrowiec, Bożena Karczewska, and Małgorzata Maras, in cooperation with Bartosz Jurczak and with the support of the SzJO directors, will verify and update information posted on the Centre’s website.